“That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.””. Acts of the Apostles 23:11 NLT
While St. Paul was being torn apart between the Jews in Jerusalem and his life was more and more in danger, the Lord appeared to him and said “Be encouraged, Paul [I have a plan]!”
You too might be in a situation similar to Paul where things are not going your way and you are being met with opposition. You might be doing a very good work, just like the Apostle, trying to speak the truth and yet those around you are giving you a hard time and putting obstacles to stop your mission! You might be very frustrated because those making your life difficult are actually people who were supposed to support you and have your back, just like St. Paul and his own people the Jews! In the midst of all that noise, God is appearing to you and saying, “Be encourage, [insert your own name here]!” It’s all part of God’s plan for He takes the evil that is mounted against you and turns it to good! Do you believe that?? Do you live as one who knows that he/she is in God’s hands?? All that you do, your whole mission, is not for people and it is not for you but rather let it always be for God and Him alone!
God’s plan for St. Paul was to be His witness in Rome as well but the way to Rome was through a conflict with the Jews in Jerusalem. Something is great being prepared for you in Heaven, but the way there is difficult and the gate is narrow. Nevertheless, God is saying, “Be encouraged, [insert your name here] [I have a plan!]”
Father God…I am hard pressed in the mission you have given me and I am being met with opposition even from those who are close to me. My only encouragement is you! My only hope is you! My only consolation is you! I ask that You grant me Your grace and show Yourself to me and let me hear Your reassuring voice saying to me “Be encouraged!” just as You said to St. Paul in the midst of his troubles. Help me trust Your plan for me and submit my life fully in Your caring hands! In the Name of Your Only-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!