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Writer's pictureCCC High School Ministry

Alert and Persistent

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:18‬ ‭NLT

Now and then, life might throw some very difficult things at you or you may enter in situations that seem beyond your power and capacity to handle! Many of these hardships are not under your direct control, which makes them even more difficult to manage and accept. However, what you can do is to BE PERSISTENT IN PRAYING in the Spirit and to STAY ALERT! God is calling us always to become PRAYER WARRIORS!

To pray IN THE SPIRIT means to receive from God His words which we are supposed to say to Him (see Hosea 2:14). When you pray, be silent and ask God to send you His words and use these to talk to God! As the fathers said, “Silence your tongue so the heart may speak…Silence your heart so the Spirit may speak!” The Agpeya, full of Psalms, gospels and litanies gives us the opportunity to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT using the words of God from the Scriptures.

Be persistent and do not give up in your prayers. Let your time of prayer be a refuge for you from trouble! Run into your prayer time and throw yourself before the Almighty God and tell Him “I can do all things through You O Christ my God who strengthens me!” As St. Augustine said “Pray as if everything depends on God!”

Also, STAY ALERT! This refers to being careful and sober in your life! Review yourself regularly lest what is happening in your life from difficulties may be due to your spiritual SLACKNESS! Be alert also means that you remain FOCUSED on the goal, Christ Himself and not to be distracted by things or people! This is CRITICAL so you can stay ON TRACK and bring yourself back to the righteous path of life whenever you deviate!

I Lord, I thank you for granting me Your Holy Spirit who intercedes for me and teaches me how to speak to you! Grant me Your grace to pray in the Spirit and be persistent and alert today and all the days of my life! In Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen!

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