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I am here!

“but he called out to them, “Don’t be afraid. I am here! ”

‭‭John‬ ‭6:20‬ ‭NLT

God takes away ALL FEAR by His very presence with us.

When He “is here”, PEACE fills our heart and we become so confident we can overcome mountains IN HIS PRESENCE!

When He “is here”, JOY fills our heart and we become so overwhelmed by Him that we begin to tell others about Him!

When He “is here”, LOVE fills our heart and we become very safe and secure in His love that we begin to love others even our own enemies!

When He “is here”, HOPE fills our heart, our worries go away and we rest assured that EMMANUEL “God with us” is for us and not against us...He is our hope!

O Lord, let us hear today and every day these beautiful and uplifting words that come out of your holy mouth declaring: “Don’t be afraid. I am here!” All what I seek O Lord is to be in Your presence as David said, “the one thing I ask the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.” (Ps. 26, Agpeya First Hour Prayer) I

want to behold You with my eyes! I want to continuously see Your salvation as Simeon said! Not that I am worthy of any of that BUT rather I am IN NEED of it...desperate for the Living God to be “here” with me and I with Him!

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