“But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” 2Cor 2:14
St. John Chrysostom reflects in St. Paul’s life and the verse in 2 Corinthians 2:14 in a way that applies to the life of many of us,
”Paul was in constant affliction everywhere he went, but this did not draw him into despair. On the contrary, he rejoiced and gave thanks, because although persecution might seem like a disgrace, in fact it was a very great honor.” - John Chrysostom
You may feel like you are CONSTANTLY afflicted and that hardships are surrounding you from every angle. You may be experiencing persecution, difficulties and sufferings for as long as you can remember! You may even be caught in a web of NEGATIVE thinking and self-talk that hurts your mind!
Whatever the CONSTANT AFFLICTION, submit to GOD in THANKSGIVING! Tell him what you are thanking Him about in details! Don’t just mumble “we thank you for everything, concerning everything and in everything” but stop at the word “everything” and define it specifically in your life. Thank God who gave you VICTORY over sin and Satan! Ask the Lord to CHANGE your mindset and open your eyes to see the GREAT HONOUR of enduring suffering and STAND FIRM, just like St. Paul!
